Back to All Events A Regenerative Agriculture in the Saudi Desert’ + ‘Hope in a Changing Climate Sunday, February 27, 2022 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Trinity Rooms Field Road GL5 2HZ United Kingdom (map) Google Calendar ICS Two amazing documentaries on how regenerative agriculture battles locally with climate change. One in the Saudi Desert and the other in Loess Plateau in China. The evening is co-hosted by The Radical Youth Space (RYSE), Jenny Patton, and Atelier. £6.00 Tickets Tickets
A Regenerative Agriculture in the Saudi Desert’ + ‘Hope in a Changing Climate Sunday, February 27, 2022 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Trinity Rooms Field Road GL5 2HZ United Kingdom (map) Google Calendar ICS Two amazing documentaries on how regenerative agriculture battles locally with climate change. One in the Saudi Desert and the other in Loess Plateau in China. The evening is co-hosted by The Radical Youth Space (RYSE), Jenny Patton, and Atelier. £6.00 Tickets Tickets