london recruits

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Things.

sun 16 mar


Trinity Rooms, Field Road, Stroud, GL5 2HZ

£8 (pay it forward) £6 (standard) £4 (low income/ cost of living affected)

“At the height of apartheid in South Africa, an international group of
workers and students answered Oliver Tambo’s call for undercover agents.
Not everyone made it home. Sworn to secrecy for decades, this
documentary thriller tells their incredible stories"

This film is such an exciting piece of internationalist history and we
are so honoured to be part of this People’s Release- meaning the film is
being distributed and shared through trade unions, anti-racist groups
and community centres instead of the ‘capital F Film’ world! You can
check out the trailer and more info about the film here!

Join us for the screening, followed by a discussion involving:

- Gordon Main, director

- A London recruit! One of the legends this film is about

- Local internationalist activists

- International contributions discussing the current struggles in South

We strongly encourage people to stay and join us to explore how the film is relevant to our lives today - and snacks will be provided!

See you there!

This screening is organised in collaboration with the Radical Youth
Space for Educations (RYSE).

Directed by Gordon Main Release date 2024
Genre Documentary/Drama
Origin: Cymru (Wales) and South Africa