About how profit should never come at the expense of people or the planet. Hosted by Glos B Corps.
weds 12 mar
The Gatehouse, Horsemarling Lane, Standish, GL10 3BZ
£8 (pay it forward) / £6 (standard) / £4 (low income/cost of living affected)
In California in the 1970s, a man named Yvon Chouinard started a small company, Patagonia. He was one of the first to think differently about business. 50 years later, this documentary takes us to meet the people he influenced around the world. Meet Andy Fyfe, who through the B Corp label is fighting for business to take responsibility for the social and environmental emergencies facing the world. They share a common vision: a world in which business can be a force for good and not for the enrichment of the few.
The Gatehouse is the home of Planit a local B Corp. Hosted by Gloucestershire B Corps.
Directed by Julien Demond and Tristan Lochon Release date 2024
Genre Documentary
Origin: France