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90 Second Film Challenge

Make a film – be part of the festival

The challenge is to make a film lasting 90 seconds! And you have just five days to do it! That’s right you have just 90 seconds to blow us away! And you know you!!

We set the theme – you make the film – we all enjoy the result. It’s open to all and it’s free to enter but you need to register so you can discover the THEME

READY: Register. before 10.00pm Thursday 7th March

STEADY: Discover the theme. At 8.00am on Friday 8th March you will receive the message with the THEME. You can interpret the theme in any way you choose.

GO: You’re off! You now have until midnight on Tues 12th March to devise, shoot, edit and UPLOAD your film to your Vimeo or YouTube account and email the link to us at SFF HQ - details will come with the THEME message

Films can be in any genre and you can shoot in any format - on a phone, a DSLR, a camcorder, whatever you have to hand.

ENJOY: Films will be on the big screen as part of 90 Second Stroud on 16th Mar at Lansdown Hall (free admission if you enter a film) and will appear on

January 28
