This short documentary film takes viewers on a journey through the vast universe of microscopic life that comprises over 99% of the DNA, and between 50-90% of the cells in our bodies. Science is only just waking up to the deep and fundamental connections that we humans have to our microbial ‘parts’, whether that be to their role in our development as infants, in noncommunicable diseases from Alzheimer’s to cancer, or in maintenance of health. Debbie Cotton, a Naturopath and Lucy Rothwell, MSc from Invivo will follow this short, creative film - which uses dancers, body models and painting to bring the microbiome to life - with a panel discussion to continue the conversation. Ticket sales will be matched by Invivo and donated to Thrive, a charity that uses gardening to bring about positive changes to the lives of people living with disabilities ill health, or who are isolated. And of course, helping them to reconnect with their environmental microbiota.
invivo Healthcare, a Stroud-based B Corp company will be screening The Human Microbiome, episode one of ‘The Edge of Wonder’ series by Osmosis Films.
7pm | £6/£5